25th April Public Event in the European Parliament – organized by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Brussels and the office of Gabriele Zimmer, President of the GUE/NGL in the European Parliament with members of the EuroMemo

EuroMemo Group :
The deepening crisis in the European Union : The need for a fundamental change

11:30 meeting at Entrance to the European Parliament on the side to the Place Luxemburg

Introduction : Gabriele Zimmer

Trevor Evans, The macroeconomic and financial conjuncture in the EU
John Grahl, The EU’s response to the crisis : Comprehensive tutelage and a crisis of legitimacy
Marica Frangakis, Accentuating the divide : The precarious position confronting the EU’s peripheral countries

Open for Discussion

Quand ? Le jeudi 25 avril, 12-15h

Où ? Parlement Européen

P.A.F.? Inscritption : kulke rosalux-europa.info en spécifiant nom, Numéro de registre national, date de naissance et adresse